Sandra Z. Richardson - Regent College Show

The work on this page was in a 2 person show (with Lisa Bade) at Regent College, The Lookout Gallery,in Vancouver B.C. in 2003.

Tile Slide Show| Artists' Statement

[Adam and Eve]

"Adam and Eve"

[Cain and Abel]

"Cain and Abel"

[The Last Supper]

"The Last Supper"



[Annunciation II]

"Annunciation II"

[The Baptism]

"The Baptism"

[Breaking the Fast]

"Breaking the Fast"

[He Would Not Dance]

"He Would Not Dance"

[The Decision]

"The Decision"

[I See Four]

"I See Four"

[The Friends]

"The Friends"

[Who is the Greatest?]

"Who is the Greatest?"


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